Education Outside The Classroom


Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) enables learning to extend beyond the confines of the classroom. It is seen as an essential part of school life, and is encouraged and supported at Mount Aspiring College.

Learning and safety are paramount in EOTC. There are strict procedures that ensure all EOTC trips are thoroughly planned and run to ensure the safety of all participants.

If you want to take a group on an EOTC event then you must follow the approval processes found on this website. If you need help with the process you can approach the EOTC Coordinator or the SLT EOTC Representative.

General Principles


All EOTC events require a form of parental consent. There are 2 options, depending on the type of trip. 

1. Blanket Consent – grants consent for all “low risk” events. Obtained on enrolment. 

This means parents do not need to give specific approval for such events, and nor do they

need to fill out a full medical form for each event.

2. Separate Consent – obtained for a specific event. Used for all high-risk EOTC events.

Trip organiser collects and keeps all Separate Consents.

Risk assessment and Trip Procedures

There are generic procedures that apply to all trips, and these have been outlined in the documents: 

All staff should be familiar with these documents as they pertain to all EOTC events.

Trips into higher risk environments, and overnight trips, will require a trip specific risk assessment to be completed. This is to identify the risks and management strategies for that particular event. The EOTC Coordinator must check the risk assessment document. 

Health Information and First Aid: all students must* have access to a qualified first aider.

All trips must have a Qualified First Aider with a current First Aid qualification. 

TIC/Trip leaders are responsible for ensuring Health Information is collected about each participant. There are 2 parts to this.

1. Print out a Medical Summary from Kamar. This is easy for class groups. It is best practise to check this information with students.

2. Utilise the medical update information given by parents with the event/trip consent process: Part of EOTC 2: Event/trip Consent Form 


There are EOTC 6: Transport Procedures that should be read by all staff. This document has been developed as a guideline regarding how to get things right regarding transport. However, some trips may require further guidelines long distance, multiple vehicles and winter time driving. These aspects can be listed in a EOTC 4 Risk Assessment Form.

Additional information on booking and using transport is available in the Staff Handbook. 

School Vans & Vehicles

Vehicles must not be loaded greater than the number of available seats. All passengers in vans / cars must have a seat belt.

Prebook vehicles: 

Post activity:

External transport providers

If the school vans are unavailable, you can arrange transport directly with the following external transport providers.

when dealing with these providers, please ensure:

Private Transport:

When private vehicles (cars and vans) are used for transporting students the following procedures apply: 

Letters to Parents and other information

Most EOTC events require a letter/information to be sent home to parents. The letter needs to outline: 

The office needs to have a copy of all letters sent out, and can assist with providing some templates. 

****Please make sure that the office also knows where to send them, if they receive any.

****If your trip requires students to turn up with certain gear, then you will need to provide this information to them. This is usually done in the form of a gear list. Please include your gear list with your paperwork for the office.

After Approval is Granted…

1. Copy of paperwork to Office. The office needs to have all trip information, including

letters home, class lists, contact details and payment information.

2. Liaise with Deb McMillan for relief requirements.

3. Trip Information and student lists posted on Staffroom whiteboard.

4. Send an email on “staff distribution” to inform all staff of the trip dates, times and students involved.

5. Book First Aid kits with Samantha Drayton at the Office.

6. Book any school vans (if required) with Andrea Woolley in the OP Department.

Incidents / Accidents

In the event of an incident refer to 

The College is required to collect and report information on any accidents or near misses.

In the event of an incident please fill out an incident / accident form and hand to the EOTC Coordinator. 

Incident forms will be reviewed by Senior management and used to improve processes for future events.